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Damian Le Bas was one of the leading Art Brut/Outsider artists from the UK. His work was first championed by Monika Kinley who ran the Outsider Archive in South Lambeth Road, London, in the 1980s. He was also mentored and encouraged by George Melly, Jazz musician and authority on Art Brut Surrealism and DaDa, Barbara Brown of RCA Textiles and John Maizels, Editor of Raw Vision magazine and author of Raw Creation.


Damian's work has been exhibited in many international art shows alongside the legends of Art Brut and Outsider Art such as Wolfli Darger and Carlo.

Damian Le Bas Art Brut Gallery

Damian Le Bas - British Artist


Damian Le Bas was born in Sheffield in 1963 to a Huguenot-Tinker-Traveller family. Attended Art School in Worthing and was asked to leave. Graduated with a Master's degree in Textile Design from Royal College of Art.



Damian Le Bas was regarded as one of the leading figures in the contemporary Gypsy/Traveller/Romani art scene. Together with his wife and partner in art, Delaine Le Bas, both were included amongst the sixteen artists to take part in the First Roma Pavilion: Paradise Lost at Venice Biennale 2007.

Welcome To Hell Brexit DamianLeBas 2016

The Le Bas' projects include Gypsyland, Gypsy Revolution, and Safe European Home?, a series of installations exhibited across Europe that explore identity, migration and borders.

Damian Le Bas has exhibited at international venues including Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (2016), Kunstahalle Kallio, Helsinki (2012), the Venice Biennale (2007) and the Prague Biennale (2007), and worked closely with Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin on numerous projects including artwork for a musical Roma Armee.

After two decades of advocating for Roma representation, Damian Le Bas embarked on his most satisfying of collaborations, with Berlin’s Maxim Gorki Theatre and the Roma Trial activist art organisation.

Challenging stereotypes and marginalisation, Damian Le Bas initiated the 1st Roma Biennale dedicated to art of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and other communities which was celebrated posthumously in Berlin 2018.

Damian Le Bas died peacefully but unexpectedly in December 2017 at his home in Worthing.

Estate of Damian Le Bas



”With my pens I have made Artistic Conquests for the Gypsy Empire and shown the network possibilities for a race that represents freedom for mankind.”



Damian Le Bas

Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London

Who We Are

Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn

The House of Le Bas

Whitechapel Gallery, London

Damian Le Bas. Mapping Resistence.

Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin


Mucem - Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille




documenta 15, Kassel



The Roma Spring, Art As Resistance
ERIAC, Berlin

Gypsyland Retrospective, 1st Roma Biennale
Gorki, Berlin

Safe European Home?

Worthing Museum & Art Gallery, Worthing, UK

Gateway To Paradise
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin



Transgressing the Past, Shaping the Future

ERIAC Art Space, Berlin


Stopping Places VI
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin

Akathe Te Beshen
Centro Federico Garcia Lorca, Granada

Galerie Českých center, Praha, Prague

3.Berliner Herbstsalon, Gorki, Berlin

Romani History X
3.Berliner Herbstsalon, Gorki, Berlin

<rotor> Association For Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria

Kali Berga
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin

Various locations across Berlin

Universal Hospitality 2
Futura, Prague

Stretch Outsider Art Festival
Train Of Thought Gallery, Worthing, UK


Frei Sein!
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin

Heidelberg Castle, Ottheinrichsberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Stretch Outsider Art Festival
Chrisp Street Market, London




Frontier De Luxe
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin

Atelier21, Aachen, Germany

Akathe Te Beshen

Centro Cibeles De Cultura y Ciudadania, Madrid

Galerie Českých center, Praha, Prague

Gallery Rivoli 59, Paris

Kali Berga

Galerie Ksiegarnia Wystawa, Krakow

Frontier De Luxe, Universal Hospitality Into the City
Alte Poste, Vienna, Austria

Safe European Home? Damian and Delaine Le Bas
Art Exchange, University Of Essex, Colchester, UK


Blake's Outsiders
Worthing Museum & Art Gallery, Worthing, UK




Safe European Home? Past Present Future
Hellerau Centre For The Arts, Dresden


Romani Revolution
Volkshochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany


Inter Nation Art
A Group Show Of Contemporary Art
HDLU Zagreb, Croatia


Have A Look Into My Life!
Duplex 100m2, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

HALIML, Bucharest, Romania

Third Edition Of The Project Biennial Of Contemporary Art
D-0 Ark Underground 2015, Tito's Atomic War Command, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Grace in Thy Site / PH1 Artists
Residency at Eye of York, York, UK

Jaw Dikh!
JCC Galerie, Krakow, Poland


Akathe Te Beshen
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany


Have A Look Into My Life!
Mediatheque Mateo Maximoff, Paris

Stadtmuseumgraz, Graz, Austria

Aubette, Strasbourg, France


To Gypsyland
198 Contemporary Arts & Learning, London


Akathe Te Beshen - Heir Um Au Bleiben
Kunststaion, Kleinassen, Germany

Safe European Home? No:6
MART, Dublin



Safe European Home? No:5
1.Berliner Herbstsalon, Gorki Theatre, Berlin

Safe European Home? No:4 Past, Present, Future…
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin


Caravanes! Festival Les
Un chez les Autres, Paris

Safe European Home? No:3
The Dandelion Project, Copenhagen


Safe European Home? No:2
CHB, Berlin


Black Butterflies
The New School House Gallery, York, UK


Stopping Places II
Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin




Sa, So Amen Sa (All We Are)
Wilderrmann and Akademie Graz, Graz, Austria


Reclaiming Identity
Akademie Graz, Graz, Austria


Europe, Pays De Mon Enfance
Cergy, France

Gypsy Revolution UK
Museum Of East Anglian Life, Suffolk, UK


The Buccaneers
The Stade Hall, Hastings, UK


Gypsy Revolution
Cable Gallery, Helsinki
Kallio Kunsthalle, Helsinki

Wahlverwandtschaften. Imaginationen des Nomadischen in der Gegenwartskuns
Museum fur Volkerkunde, Hamburg

Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin



Safe European Home? Into The City

Wiener Festwochen, Vienna, Austria


Wir sind Bettler
Stadtmuseum Graz, Graz, Austria


Ministry Of Education Warning: Segregation Harms You And Others Around You.
Ministry of Culture, Prague, Czech Republic



The World In A Few Steps
<ROTOR> Association For Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria

Stardust Boogie Woogie
A Monika Bobinska Project, London


Whose Map Is It? New Mapping By Artists
INIVA, London


Intuition, The Musgrave Kinley Outsider Art Collection
The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester


Inside, Outside and The Spaces In Between
Kunstraum Next Andra, Graz, Austria



Foreigners Everywhere with Claire Fontaine,
Karl Holmqvist, Stephan Dillemuth and Delaine Le Bas

T293, Naples , Italy


If Not Now
Trafo Gallery, Budapest, Hungary


Prognostic Bridewell
A.P.T. Deptford, London

Foreigners Everywhere with Claire Fontaine, Karl Homquist and Delaine Le Bas
D’vir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

The Map Is Not The Territory Revisited
England & Co, London

Folk Magic and Curious Objects
Barristers Gallery, New Orleans, USA



Paradise Lost: First Roma Pavilion

Biennale di Venezia 2007, Venice

Refusing Exclusion

3rd Prague Biennial, Prague




Outsider Art

2nd Prague Biennial, Prague




Wanted: Dead or Alive

James Colman Gallery, London



Obsessive Visions: Art Outside The Mainstream

England & Co, London



James Colman, London




Ingenious Creator





Alpha Cubic gallery

Tokyo, Japan


Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden

Public Collection

House of European History, Brussels, Belgium
Mucem - Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille

Gypsies Heaven

Sparticus Lives

Goodbye my love

I'm off to Gypsy Heaven in space

Made by Tinkers Huganoats and Gypsys Souls.

Hardship in life

hopefully replaced by tranquility in death.

My heart is singing old tinker tunes like the Cornish coves used to do.

New freinds are silver and the old ones gold and luck wherever you go my freind

spartacus has gone to gypsies heaven DLB

Damian Le Bas, 1999

He tried to live a good life but his soul was all ready gone to Devilsland.

For more meat on your spare ribs go to the Chinese take away top notch grub

Somebody help him he's got into a mess with his love life. Oh no he's got crabs too late.



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